If you provide a service or run a business from within Little Glemham parish and would like your details to be added to the parish website, please contact the Clerk
Village Hall
Situated on Church Road and recently refurbished
More soon
For details of the latest events, please see the Village Noticeboard page.
Facilities for Young People
A community area on Church Road for the younger children and meeting facilities for the 13-18 year olds. We lease and maintain a fenced area for use by the community. There is play equipment for younger children and space for ball games.
Sizewell Info
The prospect of a new nuclear power station at Sizewell has raised the possibility of funding and the Council is participating in a joint working party with the other villages in order to formulate a joint policy. Since the start of the Sizewell C public consultation, the Council has been taking a full part, including making a response to the Stage One proposals, and attending joint meetings with other interested groups.
LATEST You can now see our response to the Stage 3 Consultation. Follow this link to see further details.
The Lion Inn Freehouse
We Never Serve Fast Food, We Serve Homemade Food As Fast As We Can!
The Lion Inn, Main Road, Little Glemham, IP13 0BA
Ore Valley Holiday Cottages
Set amidst this peaceful Suffolk countryside are the Ore Valley Holiday Cottages.